Made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
What globally unique, persistent, resolvable identifiers do you use for datasets?
What globally unique, persistent, resolvable identifiers do you use for datasets?
Findability → Known-Item Search, Discoverability → Exploratory Search?
I keep confusing findability and discoverability. It seems that findability is often equated to known-item search, and discoverability to exploratory search.
Is an Ontology 'better' than a Relational Data Model?
Is an ontology “better” than a relational data model? “More expressive power” doesn’t always mean “better”.
Leave Beacons in Code
Leave beacons in your code. I would have avoided a silly error if a variable named xgb_train_data would have been named, for example, xgb_train_data_filepath instead.