K-Lines via RDF and PROV

A “knowledge line”, aka “K-line”, is a representation of knowledge that connects what we know with how it’s used – we keep each thing we learn close to the agents that learn it in the first place.1 When a K-line is re-activated, the agents attached to it are re-activated, putting a system in a “mental state” similar to when this thing we know was last generated, used, and/or persisted.

A K-line “memorizes” the entities we’re working with in part by making a list of the agents involved in our activities. “Re-membering” is in part a recollection of agents – getting the band back together – to restore a working context.

K-lines may be facilitated by Linked Data standards. The PROV ontology focuses on prov:Entity, prov:Agent, and prov:Activity classes and how these first-class concepts relate to one another. The RDF data model facilitates the wire-like structure of K-lines as a graph, and PROV provides the controlled vocabulary and schema.


  1. Minsky, Marvin. The Society of Mind. Simon and Shuster, 1986. ↩︎