Metadata Harvesting From Delimited-Path Key-Value Systems
In the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), a repository is a means of exposing metadata to harvesters. The OAI-PMH spec goes into great detail about how a data provider should implement a repository so that a harvester can simply be a client application that issues one of six possible HTTP requests. However, we often want to harvest metadata from repositories that…well…they’re not OAI-PMH repositories.
Many potential sources of scientific metadata are delimited-path key-value systems such as object storage, e.g. AWS S3, and file systems, e.g. SCP-accessible UNIX directories. How might such “repositories” be mapped to an OAI-PMH interface for harvesting?
In OAI-PMH, an item is a unique key within a repository that can yield a metadata record about a resource. In AWS S3, a bucket is a repository, a key in that bucket is an item, and the object the key points to is the resource. Using the S3 API, you can get a metadata record for a key, and the format of that record is customizable – e.g. you can ask for different kinds of metadata.
For a shared filesystem directory, the directory is the repository, a file path relative to the root directory is an item, the bytes of a file are a resource, and you can get different metadata records about a file, e.g. different aggregations of file attributes (last-modified, size, ownership, etc.).
Importantly, an item in OAI-PMH “is conceptually a container that stores or dynamically generates
metadata about a single resource.” Using that idea, one could define
statecharts in the form of so-called “path machines” that traverse
the components of a delimited path (e.g. a synthetic “event” sequence of
for the S3 key
) and maintain extended state to build up a
metadata record that is the machine’s output.
In OAI-PMH, a metadata record is identified unambiguously by the combination of three things: the item identifier, the timestamp of the record, and an identifier for the format of the record. Analogously, a record harvested by a path machine would be identified by the (fully-qualified) path, the timestamp to associate with the record (e.g. the last-modified stamp for a S3 key), and the id of the path machine used to generate the record.