Made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
Exploratory Behavior With Generate-and-Test
One powerful mechanism of robustness is exploratory behavior, for which the desired outcome is produced by a generate-and-test mechanism.
Resource Description (Ontology/Schema) Versus Resource Layout (API)
Resource description refers to defining concepts and relationships that represent the content and structure of some subject matter (ontology) or a database (schema) in a formal language.
Metadata Harvesting From Delimited-Path Key-Value Systems
In the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), a repository is a means of exposing metadata to harvesters.
Statecharts as a Logic of Effects
Do your programs only compute pure functions of data, or do they also perform effects such as dynamically reading input, writing output, transitioning database state, making network requests, etc.